Welcome Dr Ke Wang!

We like to welcome Dr Ke Wang to the Curtin Corrosion Centre team. Ke will work on understanding the pit to crack transition in duplex stainless steels. A project sponsored by Shell.
A bit more about Ke
Ke Wang is a Research Associate at Curtin Corrosion Centre. He obtained his bachelor and master degree from Tianjin University, China. In 2019, he received his PhD degree from Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM), Deakin University, Australia. Ke Wang has been working on corrosion since 2012. During his PhD, he worked on an industry-sponsored project, understanding and monitoring the synergistic effect of soil, cathodic protection, coating disbandment and stray current buried pipeline corrosion. After joining Curtin Corrosion Centre, he will work on the pit-to-crack transition of duplex stainless steels in a simulated sour environment.
His research interests are environmentally assisted cracking; localized corrosion initiation and propagation; corrosion modelling and simulation; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy kinetic model development and corrosion monitoring.
In his private life, Ke likes hiking, which connects him closely to nature and relaxes his mind.